Dr Biswaroop’s book on COVID-19/ ILI released, says ‘ICMR Guidelines faulty’

New Delhi: ‘COVID-19/ILI: From Conspiracy to Solution’ a book by renowned author and medical scholar, Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury was released at a special event held on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. In his presentation, the author stated that the number of Corona Positive cases should not be considered as the actual patients. He also emphasized that as per the new Guidelines of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) ‘in India, every death is Corona death’. 

Four months ago, Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury launched a Network of Influenza Care Experts (NICE) with more than 500 experts from across the country, who were trained in curing COVID-19 patients. They were also trained in managing emergency situations. With the help of NICE experts, more than 50,000 COVID-19 patients have been cured, that too without any expenses, medication or casualty.

While curing thousands of patients, several shocking facts came to light. Dr Biswaroop revealed that there is no evidence yet to prove that SARS-KoV-2 is a new virus. In terms of mortality and spread rate, the case of COVID-19 is similar to normal flu and is not fatal for any age group. “There is no guideline for Cycle Threshold, hence the artificial test for Corona is faulty. These tests are not approved or cleared by FDA. Even normal and healthy people are also labeled as Corona positive,” he added.

He further added that these days, wearing mask is made compulsory, whereas masks cannot protect against upper respiratory tract infection. There is no evidence that social distancing and lockdown can stop it. Also, there is no evidence of pandemic outbreak due to SARS-KoV-2 or any other virus. He said that there was no need to treat COVID-19 in children, as they show very mild symptoms and get cured on their own. Allopathic doctors frequently refer Paracetomol tablets for fever, which is dangerous, as this salt may cause liver failure. This fact was reported in the Europe Journal of Pain (27 Nov, 2014).

Dr Biswaroop said simple and domestic solutions are available for various diseases, but things are made complicated and costly by the pharma industry just to earn huge profits. His NICE network of Influenza experts can easily take care of all the COVID patients, once the network has 2000 members in near future. Dr Biswaroop is known to raise questions on the unethical medical practices and doubtful treatment protocols.

A medical panel of five eminent doctors from all over the country had a meeting during the program. The panel included Dr KB Tumane, a chest specialist from Nagpur, Dr Onkar Mittal (MBBS, MD), Dr Praveen Kumar (ex-IAS) a Homeopath, Dr BB Goel (Naturopath) and Dr Vikas Jagdale. The panel unanimously asserted that a fake epidemic has been created in the name of Corona virus for which basic rights of people are being snatched causing harassment. Dr Jagdale said, “As per the Lancet Journal, COVID is not a pandemic.” Dr Biswaroop added that pregnant cows are killed to get Fetal Bovine Syrum, which is required to make COVID Vaccine. He also claimed that ventilators were causing mare harm than relief, however, his ‘Prone Ventilation Position’ technique provides 100% relief to the COVID patients, that too almost free.

A social panel comprising Kapil Bajaj, Satya Prakash and others opined that fear is being created in the name of Corona to convince people for vaccination. A huge budget has to be used for the vaccine. The vaccine will be administered to the whole population under EUA.

The entire program was streamed live on various social media platforms. Dr Biswaroop has authored more than 25 books. The new book is available on his website: www.biswarup.com. 


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