A British girl's love affair with India : Milli Moonstone
It was January 2001, and a naïve 17-year-old English girl arrived alone at Delhi airport. The short taxi ride from the airport to the hotel inspired 2 hours of notes in her diary. This place was totally unlike anything she had experienced before… India. This trip, almost 15 years ago to the day, inspired a deep-seated love affair with India, and here I will share with you why. This girl had everything going for her in England: a place to study medicine at a top university in London, supportive and loving network of friends and family and various hobbies on the go. Yet she had always thought that there was more to be discovered out there in the big wide world, and India was the place that showed her just how true that was. I have heard it said that there are things that we know we know, things that we know that we don’t know, and things that we don’t know that we don’t know. I didn’t have any idea of the worlds that India would show me. As a child, I had a...